EIOPA Recommendations on supervisory flexibility
regarding the deadline of supervisory reporting and public disclosure -
On 20th of March, EIOPA has published a recommendation stating that
competent authorities (NCA) should accept delay in the submissions of Annual,
Quarterly - Q1 and narative reporting as specified in the tables
below.Undertakings which are able to submit within the first submission
already the full package are encouraged to do so as soon as possible and
within the statutory deadlines. In such cases no further submissions are
necessary except if further corrections are needed.
To use the system to
create two sets of reporting, as specified in the EIOPA recommendation, all
that needs done, is to amend the content of submission – template S.01.01 and
use filing the value “Not reported other reason” in the dropdown for the
corresponding template. In this case the special justification is due to the
Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation.
The following table lists the submission dates and corresponding taxonomy
version for Solo filings.
The following table lists the submission dates and corresponding taxonomy
version for Group filings.
With regards to narrative reporting, EIOPA has allowed 8 weeks of possible delay for RSR and SFCR reports, with an exception of a subset of templates from SFCR Appendix which can be published with two weeks delay at the latest. EIOPA has also advised the NCA to follow similar flexibility guidelines with regards to ORSA reporting.
EIOPA has communicated that it may also apply special measures on the
taxonomy data validations, changing the severity from blocking to
non-blocking to facilitate the report submission, for example, with the
validations related with the content of submission template; More taxonomy
specifications and further updates in the list of validations will be made
available in the coming days in EIOPA and competent authorities taxonomy related
webpages. Should any changes in the software are needed due to these updates,
we will communicate to you further. However, for not that is not expected.
You can find the full text of the EIOPA recommendations at here.
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