Ceiops публикува вариант на доклада Променливи анюитети.
-----Original Message-----
From: CEIOPS [mailto:daemon@ceiops.eu]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 2:46 PM
To: Mr. Bozhidar Parvanov
Subject: Public consultation on CEIOPS Draft Report on Variable Annuities
CEIOPS released today into public consultation its “Draft Report on Variable Annuities”. The report is the result of CEIOPS work aimed identifying a desirable supervisory treatment of variable annuities under Solvency I as well as in a Solvency II context in the view of opportunity of a smooth transition from Solvency I to Solvency II. Stakeholders are invited to submit their comments by Email no later than 25.01.2011 cob.
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